Lecture2 RPC and Thread
why go?
- good support for threads
- convenient RPC
- type safe:memory safe
- garbage-collected (no use after freeing problems)
- threads + GC is particularly attractive!
- 相比cpp,简单很多,不用判断哪个线程最后使用共享变量并负责释放
- relatively simple
- After the tutorial, use https://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html
Go calls them goroutines; everyone else calls them threads
Why care?
- 实现并发的重要工具
- 并发是本课程的重点
Why thread?
- They express concurrency, which you need in distributed systems
- I/O concurrency
- 多个thread,向server并行地发起RPC,等待回应
- Client sends requests to many servers in parallel and waits for replies.
- Server processes multiple client requests; each request may block.
- While waiting for the disk to read data for client X, process a request from client Y.
- Multicore performance
- Execute code in parallel on several cores.
- Convenience
- 想在后台做一些事情,例如每过1s检查worker是否存活
Is there an alternative to threads?
Yes: write code that explicitly interleaves activities, in a single thread.
Usually called “event-driven.” aka asynchronous programming
Keep a table of state about each activity, e.g. each client request.
One “event” loop that:
- checks for new input for each activity (e.g. arrival of reply from server),
- does the next step for each activity,
- updates state.
Event-driven gets you I/O concurrency and eliminates thread costs (which can be substantial),but doesn’t get multi-core speedup, and is painful to program.
- share data 共享内存
- 不同的写成可以读写同一个东西,可能存在一些临界区
- 例如,两个线程都在执行 n=n+1,机器码可能如
- LD x,r1
- ADD 1,r1
- STORE r1,x
- 结果可能会不正确
- 称为竞争(“Race”)
- 解决办法:加锁(比如go里的sync.Mutex)、或是直接避免使用共享变量
- 不同的写成可以读写同一个东西,可能存在一些临界区
- coordination
- 例如,生产消费者问题
- 特意地互相等待
- use Go channels or sync.Cond or WaitGroup
- deadlock